You love buying clothes from sales? Yes!! Then, you are no different but, have you ever wondered why companies come up with these sales and discounts? Does offering products at low rates not hamper the company’s turnover? Are they really concerned to make their customer happy? Well, once you understand the modus operandi behind the sales thing, you would definitely avoid buying discounted clothes for yourself. Confused? Don’t be, here are all the downsides of buying clothing during the sale season that would change your whole perception about sales and discounts.
Old-inventory: Boring inventory
What to do with old inventory? When this question pops up in a retailer mind, they offer discounts on their clothing line. No sale is offered on new arrivals and hence, you always end up buying old and boring clothing.
Simple solution for over-inventory
Stocking up clothing for festivities and celebrations seems right to most of the retailer but, at times it results in over-inventory. No need to look for any other solution when retailers know that customers could be easily forged with discounts.
Fake-prices, you could never guess
This would come as a real shocker to most of you but, it does happen. Retailers increase the prices just a few days before the discount days and then, ta-da! Discount is offered on already increased fake prices.
Wait is such pain
You like something and then you decide to wait for the sale season. Discounts might sounds correct to most of you, but you might not find what you loved during the sale season. The worst part is the best sellers clothing range are never offered at discounted prices.
Outdated fashion trends and styles
Fashion Trends and styles in clothing come and go real quick. Whatever, you purchase from the discounted clothing range often consist of outdated styles.
Defectives can’t be disposed
Why throw something when you can easily sell them off! With a little alteration, defective goods are often repaired and sold at a discounted price during the sale season.
Bundled goods
Buy 2 get 1 free! You must have lusted over such deals but, this is a trick to sell-off their outdated clothing and you often end up buying bundled goods without even the initial intention of doing so. Also read ‘selected items’ only before purchasing.
Quality is often hampered
At times retailers want to lure his customers without doing any of the above things. In such cases, they manufacture exclusive goods for sales, which are made from the low-grade material.
With Christmas and New Year just around the corner, most of the clothing stores and retailers must be busy in devising tempting offers for you but, dodge this sale season and be a smart shopper by choosing stores that offer one best price throughout the year.